Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Morning Health Update

I got to RHSNC and Mom was in Occupational Therapy. She was lifting her pole and then she got to go over to the pulley over the door and stretch her arm and back muscles and then she got to peddle with her hands for cardio!!! She's doing very well. Stephen, her PT, said today was her best performance to date with a WALKER!!! So....I will not be surprised if she's home by Friday.

Her Doctor appointment is tomorrow and Dr. Staples wasn't real thrilled with sending her to RHSNC, (she wanted to send her home on Hospice!) I'm sure when Mom says she wants to go home, she'll sign her out. I'm hoping that means she won't be home that night, because we don't have a hospital bed for her yet. I'm pretty sure RHSNC will work that all out...that's why I'm thinking she'll be home by Friday or maybe Thursday.

Her charge nurse, Fernando, came in today to give us her sack lunch for dialysis and chatted for awhile. He asked why she was still there, because she's doing better. So, if PT and OT says she's doing good and her charge nurse doesn't know why she's there....I'm guessing she's coming home!

So....there you have it!!!


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