Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A New "Abenture"

Yesterday, "da mudder" went on an "abenture!"

She still has her crazazy moments.
Sunday night when I was turning the lights off she asked if everyone was home. I said, "Yes!" She said, "I haven't seen Tody!" I said, "He lives in Reno." She looked at me and said, "I know that!" It's fun when the light bulb goes on and she realizes she's a little nuts!

Friday night she told us that while she was gone for the last 6 weeks she was learning how to make stain glass windows!

She's told me twice now that she needs to go to the bathroom. I tell her, "So go!" It's very interesting the things she's not capable of doing, that she doesn't remember she's not capable of doing. In her head she thinks she can do lots of things, but she really can't! She did write thank you notes last week to the ladies who brought her flowers or visited her at the RHSNC and I only read one and it repeated itself twice. She's just not quite right sometimes. So, we just do what we need to and remind her of stuff and let her try stuff she thinks she can do and then do what it takes to get it done!
So there you have it!!!!

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