Sorry, I've waited so long to write tonight. It's been a long day and I'm tired and don't feel very well.
When I got to RHSNC she was just on her way to Occupational Therapy. She was doing her little bar lifts and I noticed one of the therapists was trimming another patients nails. I asked if they could do mom's. They said sure. So after about 15 minutes of lifting her bar this way and that way they trimmed her nails and that was the end of OT for the day. Then it was lunch and then the wait for transport to the Drs. appointment. It was kind of basic. Dr. Staples asked which side of her lungs fill up and I said I didn't know. She had already listened to the right side and so she moved to the left and said, "Ah ha! That's the side." (the left!) She says she probably had pnemonia last week, but she already treated her for that. She did put her back on cough syrup. I asked if she was on any medication to make her cuckoo and she said no. So, that's just mom!!!
As Dr. Staples was leaving the room, Mom asked, "When can I go home?" Dr. Staples said, "That's up to Sandy." So.....the order to send her home has been given and the request for a hosptial bed has been faxed to the insurance company. I guess Medicare won't pay for it. Mom wants me to find out how much one costs so she can buy one! Cuckoo!
We'll see what happens tomorrow.
RHSNC is so dumb. They didn't give me any information to take to the drs. visit. I had to beg for a list of her meds. and Fernando made me copies, but told me that he wasn't supposed to because of the patient privacy act. They're not supposed to give the dr. a copy of her meds???? Is that stupid or what!
My favorite statement from Dr. Staples, "She's too weak for Physical Therapy!" My response, "She's been doing it every day!"
I don't know what planet she's fallen off of, besides the germaphobe one, but I guess she thinks mom is just basketweaving over there.
This all came up because I asked for home health to come and check up on mom and I asked for PT and that's when she made that statement.
Here's my question....not that any of you can answer it, but I'll throw it out there anyway....
How come when Dad had renal failure his Kidney Specialists became his Primary Doctors?
Wouldn't you think a kidney specialist or cardiologist would make more sense for a renal failure patient or CHF patient than an internal medicine dr? Just a thought!
In case you haven't heard. Lori Leanne had a baby boy this morning. I guess they were planning to take it today by c-section and then she hurried it up cuz she wen't into labor last night. She wasn't due until April 1st, but she's been on bed rest for 3 weeks. The baby is 4lbs 7 oz and 16 inches long. Matt and Amy Jo are due on March 4th also a boy.
The stork is busy in our family this month!!! Congratulations Karlo and Lori and Good Luck Matt and Amy Jo, Matt and Shannon, and Danny and Lacey! All boys! Oh yeah! Speaking of that! G-ma told Eddie and I the other night that we needed to have a little girl because the family needed more girls. She also told Dorothy Anderson that we were in Utah for our little boy. So...go figure!!!!
Betty Snelson and Marcella Robinson visited Mom today and brought her some red tulips. She said when her nails were being clipped that we needed to go outside and spruce up their garden. They have beautiful pansies, so I don't know what she wants to spruce up. She also told me the other day that she wants to buy some palm trees for the house. I asked if she was going to make a big W over the driveway and she said NO! She told Eddie last night he needed to sprinkle the grass and she asked if he was working on her flower bed by the garage. I told her tonight he had re-planted her roses in the flower bed and she was happy to hear that.
Some other crazy statements from the day: She wonders where she goes at night and how she gets back in her bed. She did make some humorous statements today about God. She said she told God she wasn't ready to go yet and for him to tell Jesus. She then said that Dad never looks happy when she sees him. I said maybe he's not finished with her mansion yet and she said, she just hopes he finishes her chair. Whatever that means!
Oh yeah! The one pill I keep forgetting they added to her list yesterday was....vitamin C!
Something about her pressure sore on her bum!
Did you see the eclipse tonight? That was pretty cool!!!!
Eddie and I are looking forward to our new adventure with "da mudder."
Anybody out there want to g-ma sit April 16th - 23rd? Yes, we have an invite to go somewhere, but we probably won't go...because of "da mudder" That will also be about 6 weeks into her return home and we'll probably need a break!
Anyway...if any of you have any bright ideas about giving us breaks in the next few months whether it's in April or for that long , please let us know!!!
Well, that was all pretty random!!
8 years ago
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