She was very bright eyed and bushy tailed after dialysis, and yet she was very tired as well. She said she didn't sleep at dialysis. She has been lately. She said there was hardly anyone there. She was right.
She had dinner shortly after she arrived back to RHSNC. She ate a good portion of it. Her weight when she got to dialysis was 70.9 kg. That's back to around where Dr. Lange wants her. He wants her at 69 kg. The charge nurse came in to give mom a pill and a glass of protein stuff and she told us of the new meds that have been prescribed. They're concerned about her pressure sore on her bottom and I forgot what else. So I don't even remember what new pill they're giving her, but they are going to be giving her a new drink like boost to beef up her calories. It's one that's okay for renal patients.
I will know more tomorrow. They'll send a list of meds with her to Dr. Staples, so hopefully I'll remember what they have her on.
She was very coherent today. When she starts dozing after dinner she was talking in her sleep. She was talking about her dolls again. She caught herself a few times before she said something cuckoo!
So...until tomorrow!
8 years ago
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