Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mom Today!

Mom was back in the hospital. It was just for overnight. Right now she's at dialysis.
Her access line was clogged, so she had to get the clogs removed.
Radiology couldn't do it, so Dr. Shinn did surgery and removed the clogs.
Dr. Shinn thought they should keep her overnight for observation.
She was very confused when I got there this morning.
She was entertaining though.
Speaking of entertaining....
Eddie thought it would be fun to stuff Mom's bed
to scare Bubba when he got home!
He's a funny boy!
Mom should be coming home from Dialysis anytime now!
They were concerned at dialysis when she got there because she's lost more weight!
When you can't because of medical procedures, that's what happens!
I just did the kg conversion to lbs on the computer.
She's now at 150 lbs.
So that's a little more than 10 lbs!
More fun!

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