Today should have been an eventful day, but it wasn't.
She was supposed to have her nuclear blood thingy, but they couldn't get any blood out of her. She is a turnip!!!!
They were also supposed to do a biopsy, but her blood was too thin! They've been giving her Vitamin K to thicken it up!
So tomorrow will be a very busy day.
First off, it's a dialysis day.
Second, if her blood is thick enough they'll do the biopsy.
Third, they're going to install(?) a pik line so they won't have to poke and prod her anymore to get blood.
Fourth, they need to draw the blood for the nuclear test.
Fifth, they decided she's a couple pints they're giving her 2 units of blood.
She ate a really good dinner tonight. Ate all her entree and her soup and of course, applesauce. She gets her meds crushed up and then we add applesauce to "help the medicine go down". yum-yum.
She didn't scream as much today or yesterday when they rolled her back and forth. I found out today her pressure sore is at Stage 2! They have it covered now with a big, I guess, bandaid! I need to do some research and figure what a stage 2 is!
She slept for quite a while this afternoon. I'd say way over 4 hours. I woke her up to eat dinner.
One thing she said while she was dozing off is: "I set sail a week ago."
Dr. Yu said we might need to decide on Hospice. I'm trying to stretch it out for as long as I can until that decision has to be made. I might have to make it on Wednesday. Eddie and I are supposed to be going out of town for his birthday Thursday to Saturday. So..we'll see what happens.
8 years ago
A Stage II pressure ulcer refers to the fact that the skin has broken open and the area around the sore i red and irritated..IF it was worse... stage III it would be deeper - more like a crater of a wound past the skin, possibly oozing.
Thank goodness it's not that! yet!
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