Okay! She got home about 6:30 p.m. Dr. Shin had called around 3:30 and said that everything went well, keep it elevated and make an appointment in two weeks so she can check and see how it's healing! She did give her a Rx for Tylenol 3. woo hoo!
So...She just started moaning and I asked what was wrong....I can't remember what she said. I asked if I could do anything for her and she said, "Stop bugging me!" So, I gave her a pain pill and I'm hoping she'll sleep thru the night. I don't know how I'm suppose to change her. She's supposed to not bend her left arm or lay on that side. I guess I'll be calling home health in the morning to see if they can come out and teach me some great trick on how to care for her when she can't do much to help me. I'm very frustrated. I hate insurance companies that turn everything into out patient surgery. She should be in the hospital with some professional taking care of her!!!! Sorry....I'm feeling kinda grumpy myself tonight!
8 years ago
Frustration ... grumpy ...
Both sound justified!
Hang in there ... (what else can you do?)
- Freth
Sandy, I think you are doing an outstanding job of taking care of mom and dealing with all the time, stress, fear, unpleasant {to say the least } tasks and annoyance that involves !! THANK YOU !!..YOU TOO EDDIE !!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!
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